Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 4

I am still getting use to keeping a blog but recently my days have been filled with things to do....but I am ready to get back to it:

Awhile back I found a website that had "50 life secrets & tips" and absolutely fell in love with it so I am going to sure it with you..... Now not all of them are great but I enjoyed the majority of them:

1. Memorize something everyday.
2. Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.
3. Develop an endless curiosity about this world.
4. Remember people's name.
5. Get fit
6. Learn to focus only on the present.
7. Even more specifically, live in THIS moment.
8. Smile more often.
9. Drink water.
10. Don't take life so seriously!
11. Think positive thoughts.
12. Read books.
13. Get in the sun.
14. Help others.
15. Set aside a specific time to worry each day.
16. Be honest at all times.
17. Sleep less.
18. Read "Bringers of light" and "Conversations with god" by Neale Donald Walsch
19. Figure out what your goals and dreams are.
20. Start your day off right.
21. Utilize "The burning method" ( Write any negative thoughts you have on a piece of paper and burn it!)
22. Travel.
23. "The rubber band method" for fears and negative thoughts. Wear a rubber band and whenever you get negative thoughts of have a fear snap it to your skin to put your mind one something else.
24. Learn to be unaffected by the words of others.
25. Read "Zen and the art of happiness" by: Chris Prentiss
26. Develop the ability to forgive.
27. Be the person that makes others feel special.
28. Learn to lucid dream.
29. Visualize daily.
30. Meditate everyday for at least 20 minutes.
31. Learn to control your emotions.
32. Learn to control your mind.
33. Take a class in speed reading.
34. Relax!
35. Work on making a good first impressions.
36. Learn to use your eyes to their full potential.
37. Be mysterious.
38. Come up with a life mantra.
39. Get good at something.
40. Work out those abs.
41. Keep your brain sharp.
42. Read something inspirational right before bed and after walking.
43. Do what you love.
44. Choose your friends wisely.
45. Don't burn bridges.
46. Keep a journal/diary.
47. Read "New psycho-cybernetics" by: Dr. Maxwell Maltz
48. Learn to use and trust your subconscious/ intuition.
49. Develop a charismatic personality.
50. Love is all there is.

After reading that I hope you feel a little bit more refreshed!! but anyways:

So my life has been pretty crazy lately, not so much with a ton of things to do but emotional. I am finally trying to piece myself back together and realize that there is always tomorrow and each day can only get better. I know that time will fix everything and everything that I am going through with my life is meant to happen but it is just getting to that point of being ok that is hard. Life will throw some crazy stuff at you but it is how you bounce back that matters. I realized that when I am down, sad, mad, pissed off or anything like that the people around me normally become mad, annoyed, pissed off, etc. and that is not how I want to leave my mark.

The other night was my sister's birthday and some friends and my sister and I went out to celebrate. At the end of the night literally every single person in that bar was coming up to my sister telling her happy 26th birthday and how oh so beautiful she was ;) but ok really we came into the bar knowing maybe like 10 of them and by the end of the night my sister had ended up talking to probably everyone in the bar just being outgoing, fun-loving, and getting to know people. Now she may not know it or the people who met her that night may not know it but she has left a mark on everyone in that bar. Those people will never forget her, may it be for her smile, her awesome dance moves, the 5 min conversation they had but those people who met her that night met someone outgoing, fun to be around, and a positive person. That's what I want. I want people to remember me for being someone positive, happy, outgoing and fun to be around.

Now it's your turn. Make a mark on someones life. Make on a mark on the world. May it be for a little smile, a quick hello, the love you share with someone, or the little jokes that made someone laugh. Make people remember you for how you want to be remembered.

Remember me for always being there, for turning an awkward situation into a dance party. Remember me for always wanting an adventure and for always going after my dreams. For being a hard-worker and dedicated to everything I do. Remember I will not forget you and I have goals and I will achieve them. Remember me for being funny, outgoing, and a positive person. I want people to remember me for who I am and never compare me to someone else. I am different, I am unique, I am original, and I won't be forgotten.

Quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you do, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 3

Schools kill creativity. <-- I know it's kind of long but watch it! 

..... If you know me, you know I am a Mass Communications student at VCU concentrating on Creative Advertising. When I first signed up I thought the classes would be like all of the other classes I have taken. You come to class, sit, listen to your teacher talk for hours, take some test and be done. But boy was I in for a surprise. 

One of my very first Mass Communication classes at VCU was a class called Curiousness. Now obviously I was very "curious" about what the hell this class was even going to be about, who signs up for classes called Curiousness, Story, Imagination??? VCU creative advertising students do and it is AWESOME. but anyways, in this class I didn't know what to expect but the information I gained from this class I will keep with me forever. This class made me get out of my comfort zone, it taught me more about myself, my creative side, or lack there of, and how to really just enjoy school again. It showed me how to bring out the kid in me and have fun. To not be afraid to take chances and to just let loose. We were given these projects every class and you had a week to work on them, it wasn't a class where you go home read the textbook and come back to class to talk about it it was a class where we had projects such as making a soap box to stand on and read a poem about your greatest fear, or think of two emotions then combine them and make something that resembles the new emotion. We had to do things that I would have never done and didn't even think I was able to do. What I am trying to get at is, where did are our inner child go to? Why do we feel the need to color in the lines. Why color the grass green and the clouds blue. Why not make it your own. What happened to our imagination?! 

The other day I was with the kids I nanny and I just picked Ben and his friend up from school and he had collected rocks from school and he got in my car and I asked why he had rocks and told me, they are not rocks, they're crystals.... Now that's what I am talking about, he has an imagination still and I hope he never loses it! In this same car trip he asked me to put on a song just so he could hear one part. It was a part in the song that said "super mario" and so I played it for him and he was quiet the whole song and all of a sudden that part came on and his face lit up so big and he just started laughing and was so happy about it (if you meet Ben you will find out he is in LOVE with super mario bros) but besides that, seeing him light up over something so small made me smile. It's the little things in life that matter, the tiny little things that can make you smile and laugh are the things that matter.

Being with these kids has been an amazing time. They have taught me so much about myself and how to use my imagination again. Go out and buy a coloring book and color, don't worry about staying in the lines and just make it your own! Play a board game, explore in a park, be a kid and enjoy it. In every Mass Communication class I have been in every teacher tells us the same thing: "Get out of your comfort zone. Do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Get lost and learn something about yourself." and that is my advice to you. You will learn so much about yourself and really just enjoy the things around you and your life so much more. Volunteer somewhere, get lost, if you always drive home the same way, take a different way. Explore the world and have fun doing it! <3

Quote: " To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2

So I got some positive feedback from a couple different people yesterday about my post and it got me really excited to post some more. Hopefully I can keep it up to everyones liking, so here we go:

I find that waking up on "the right side of the bed" is key to a great day! So here are some ideas that I personally enjoy doing, hopefully they can work for you too!

     Attempt #1 at starting your day: Wake up, smile, think about something funny and just start laughing. It will probably start off as a "fake" laugh but I swear it is contagious and you will just start laughing because you are trying to laugh and then you will begin to laugh at yourself for trying to laugh and then it will become a "real" laugh. Not only will you wake up laughing you will then be ready to start a day full of laughter and good fun, plus it puts you in a really good mood and it's healthy for you! (Laugh often) and (Laugh more)

     Attempt #2: Set your alarm/ipod or whatever it is that you wake up to, to a song that puts you in a good mood. Your favorite song, a song that reminds you of someone special, or a song that just makes you want to get up and dance! Don't question it just do it!! (and leave comments on here if you want of your favorite song, you never know; a song that makes you happy can be a new song to someone else that they enjoy!)

     Attempt #3: Get up, put on your running shoes and go for a walk/jog/or run. Clear your mind before the day even begins and start fresh. Think of all the things you want to accomplish that day and do it. Don't procrastinate, don't say you can't do it, or there is isn't enough time in the day, or you feel like it is to hard to get done, just do it, set your goals for the day and keep to them. At the end of the day you can look back and feel great that you accomplished so much!

I have found that by doing these you feel 1,000 times better at the end of the day and refreshed at that start of your day!! Hope this helps you enjoy tomorrow a little bit more. Enjoy <3

Quote: "Reflect on your greatest weakness, and realize how it is your greatest strength."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1

Attempt # 2 at trying to keep a blog:

     What better day to start blogging than today.
1. It is the first of the month and
2. I started my 6-week training program with x-team fitness.
( Everyone should join. It's awesome.
It is basically a military training bootcamp style workout. I love it because:
1. The people are great
2. It is one hour of no BS, just working out
3. It is outdoors 5-days a week at 6am or 6pm!
4. We workout at a different spot in Richmond everyday and every week.
It is a great way to explore Richmond and find some awesome new places to go
and 5. I am starting to get in the shape I want to be in.

Weight has always been a struggle for me but I can finally honestly say I feel like I have a handle on it now. Since the New Year I have given up fast food and joined the VCU club crew team which has changed my life. It has not only gotten me to where I want to be fitness level but it has helped motivate me to want to better myself, plus I have met some amazing people along the way! I have lost 13 pounds since the New Year and I plan to lose 15 to 20 more. I feel absolutely amazing and actually have gained some confidence. It feels good. But.....

What I am really trying to focus on now is trying to be really truly honestly happy and finding myself through it all. I have been trying to be on a positive kick lately and through it I have found that things really do go your way when you believe they will. I always tell myself "Today is going to be a great day," and most of the times they are, but when I sit back and look at it all I think, am I really happy doing what I am doing; was that day really a great day or did I just say it was to feel better. These are the thoughts I am trying to get rid of. I want to say "Today is going to be a great day," and "I am truly happy and have all the things I want in life," and actually REALLY mean it.

I have been doing a lot of reading about positive energy and attracting things into your life and while some don't believe in it, I am a firm believer. ( <-- If you haven't read The Secret, go out and get it, it will change your life. This blog is my attempt to really open up and let people know who I am and how I feel. I feel like I block most people out and always just put on a smile and act like my crazy outgoing self but this is your time to really get to know me, if you want! This is my attempt to true happiness! Enjoy <3

Current music: Yellowcard "Believe"
Current book: Hey Whipple, Squeeze This
Quote: "Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it."